I'm sorry to hear that, Dale, and I offer my condolances.
I Haven't seen anything on the news about it yet tho... I'm from Edmonton as
----- Original Message -----
From: "Dale Chapman" <dchapman_at_compusmart.ab.ca>
To: <newtontalk_at_newtontalk.net>
Sent: Monday, May 13, 2002 11:15 PM
Subject: [NTLK] OT - safety.
> hi everyone.
> had a bad day. - please - if you ride a bike, wear a helmet.
> my friend and doctor died today from head trauma after skidding on
> gravel and colliding with a bridge support.
> thanks.
> edmonton, alberta.
> --
> Dale Chapman
> dchapman_at_compusmart.ab.ca
> ~sometimes the seas are calm
> and that's wonderful.
> sometimes the seas are not calm
> and that's the way it is.~
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