Hmmm, around the time of the OMP, there really weren't
that many Pen enabled PDAs. AT&T EOs were just coming
into their own (and that's as far as they got) The HP
95/100/200LXs were never pen devices, but they were
still a solution for the mobile warrior. Barring the
proprietary devices (amstrad and such) and, of course
the GRiD...The field was very limited. Once Apple
showed that it could be done, the field widened pretty
quickly. Even to the point of having built-in phone
services. The IBM/Mitsubishi Simon was one of the
really cool integrated devices with pre-emptive letter
typing (6 character keyboard kept changing letters
based on what it felt would be the next letter) and
the Nokia 9000i and 9000il. At the time, it was
thought that integration was the killer-app! Devices
either had phone modules you could connect to (AT&T
EO) or had built-in communications (Envoy and Marco)
or would attach to a cell phone (the little OZ that
connected to a Startac cellphone) When the 2100
arrived, the PDA market was already beginning to show
signs of decay with the failure of so many
high-visibility devices. It's not that the market
could identify what was needed, but the public didn't
even know that they needed something. And I hate to
say this, but the majority of people walking the
streets just don't have the patience or the know-how
to use something as broad reaching as a Newton! So the
market split. One side happy with the Fujitsu
Stylistic and the other side happy with the Palm...The
rest was fodder for the masses and those of us with
long memories.
web/gadget guru (download Newton packages) (my NPDS server and it's new
--- John Ruschmeyer <> wrote:
> > From:
> > Sony Magic Cap
> > Sharp Zaurus
> > Casio XL-7000 (Penright! OS)
> > HP OmniG0
> > Some larger pen tablets running WinPen or WinDOS
> such as Fujitsu Stylistic
> I think we may be muddling PDAs and Pen computers
> together, but here's a few
> more:
> Casio B.O.S.S.
> Poqet
> Tandy/AST/Casio Zoomer (aka Z-PDA)- Geos-based
> Psion 3 series
> HP 95/100LX
> Amstrad pen-based PDA
> various "electronic organizers"
Roll that beautiful bean footage!
- Jay Bush (Bush's Baked Beans)
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