Re: [NTLK] [ANN] X-Jack Ethernet card buying pool extended

From: William R. Dickson (
Date: Wed May 15 2002 - 21:06:34 EDT

On Wed, 15 May 2002, Stainless Steel Rat wrote:

> | The other downside is that you then need to carry this custom cable (or
> | the dongle adaptor that goes between a standard cable and the card) around
> | with you -- and the more stuff you need to carry with your Newton, the
> | less convenient it is.
> Yeah... but you still need a network cable anyway.

You need one, but you probably don't need to carry one -- I tend to find
that if I'm in an ethernet-equipped facility, there are cables available
for use.


 William R. Dickson -- Consuming the Earth's limited resources since 1968                  

I was once a vengeful, mad genius bent on destroying mankind. But now, I'm a vengeful, mad genius bent on destroying mankind, WITH SUPER POWERS! - Mojo Jojo (The Powerpuff Girls)

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