Re: [NTLK] Secret Info on MP100?

From: Jim Anderson (
Date: Fri May 17 2002 - 13:26:09 EDT

Laurent wrote:
> I'm not aware of anything that will do that. The only=20
> protection (I think) you can get is to set a password in the=20
> security preference. At least, that's what NOS 2.0 has, but I=20
> don't remember if NOS 1.x Newtons had this feature as well.=20
> If you do, you can select how often you will be prompted for=20
> the password, like everytime you turn your Newton on, or once=20
> a day, etc

        NOS 1.3, which a 100 runs, lets you set a freeform text
password. Of course, then you have to write it and let the 100's
non-stunning HWR decode it for you...

Jim Anderson
(who used this feature of his MP100 for about an hour, because of this)

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