Re: [NTLK] Nushield

From: Eric L. Strobel (
Date: Sat May 25 2002 - 11:43:07 EDT

somewhere near the temporal coordinates of 5/24/02 10:39 PM, the entity
known as Michael Mays transmitted the following from

> Alas, I now have a problem that makes the cloudiness issue fade into=
> obscurity. I took the screen protector out after I figured out how to put=
> them in properly without trimming... and now the jaggies have struck=
> horribly. Only in the lower right corner of the screen, but consistent in=
> their spikiness each time I run the pen down there. I tried cleaning under=
> it, but to no avail; it didn't help. I am at a loss. This is a brand new=
> unit... *sigh*

I'd guess that you forced dirt under the edge, where you shoved the
protector under the frame. Some folks report being able to sweep the dirt
out using a business card. I'd guess that if there's enough of a gap on
your Newt that you were able to get a sheet of plastic in there somehow,
that you might be able to do this business card thing.

(Personally, this is my biggest reason I don't even consider using screen
protectors. My screen and case are darn near hermetically sealed. I don't
think I could get something even 1/10 as thick as a business card in there,
and forcing something in that was never intended to be there seems like a
good way to cause a problem. A quick swipe with a soft cloth clears the
minute amount of stuff that settles out of the air. I also wipe the stylus
tip on my shirt occasionally throughout the day. I got my 130 a year & a
half ago and the screen was perfect then, and it's still perfect now. But,
obviously, there's a lot of other folks who've had different experience.
Mark Ross has lots of satisfied customers and will, I'm sure, do whatever he
can to coach you through this. Tough it out and I'm sure you'll end up

- Eric.


Eric Strobel (fyzycyst_at_NOSPAM^

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