i have a briefcase that i bought from duroc... i did recieve eventually it
but it took threats and a lot of waiting.it doesn't seem to fit for me, i
like to bring a bunch of other stuff with me usually (i have a laptop too).
it was in brand new condition and has been little used since i've had it
(about two months). i won the ebay auction at 55 or so, if you'd like to
make an offer email me at this address or paulsuerth_at_mac.com.
>P.P.S. If anyone knows of any outlet that is selling those Newton
>'Briefcases', I'd be grateful if you'd let me know. I see Duroc has them
>available on ebay from time to time, but I purchased from them once, and
>paid for but never received the goods. Fool me once, etc...
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