Re: [NTLK] OT Firewire connection

From: Eric L. Strobel (
Date: Tue May 28 2002 - 14:20:35 EDT

on 5/28/02 2:06 PM, Humphreys, David (URB) at

> Has anyone connected a MAC and a PC via Firewire?
> If so, can you please tell me how to get this going.
> I have a new iMAC and a PC running XP with a Firewire card.
> Drivers are loaded and the PC shows a 400Mb connection.
> Now what?
> I know this should be easy but I am missing a step somewhere
> as I have not been able to network. Of course, I am new to the MAC
> environment.
> I can connect the iPOD to the Firewire cable and it is recognized
> on the PC as a new drive.
> But I have had no such luck with the iMAC/PC interface so far.
> I need to have some one tell me the steps to get these two to play
> nice.
> Anyone?
> PCBman (MAC Version)

I seem to recall hearing somewhere that an iMac could be run in FireWire
disk mode (i.e., like a PowerBook can), but I just did a quick look about
this iMac and can't find anything to back that up.

- Eric.


Eric Strobel (fyzycyst_at_NOSPAM^

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