on 5/29/02 11:11 PM, Scott C. Gregory at scgregory_at_bigpond.com wrote:
> "Eric L. Strobel" wrote:
>> Is there really a need for such trickery? Will these folks be requiring
>> virus protection on cell phones?
> Well apparently yes.... if for no other reason than their piece of
> mind..
> People are dumb, they are sheep, Baaaah!
> (oh and that is not directed at anyone here... Just being on this list
> gets you out of that category, I think we all have enough common sense
> here!).
> During the Melissa virus scare, I had people coming to me convinced that
> their microwaves, video recorders, <insert household appliance here>
> could contract the virus.... even if it's not connected to the net. All
> because the media hyped it up and said they could! After all, if the
> media says it's true, then it has to be true! (ROTFL)!
> Cheers
> Scott
Hey, at least on the 2x00's, with the MP3 capability, you could call it
something like "Daily Detox" (after the herbal tea that purports to purge
toxins from your system) and play the sounds one might expect to hear from
someone who's had way too much of that tea... if you know what I mean. :-)
*imagines sounds captured from an 'epic' scene in "Dumb and Dumber" playing
while Newt flashes "Now cleansing system!"*
I bet the powers-that-be would only bother to check on your anti-viral
software ONCE.
- Eric.
--Eric Strobel (fyzycyst_at_NOSPAM^mailaps.org)
===================================================================== Bioweapons? HA! I laugh at them!! *I've* cleaned the coffee urns at work!!!! =====================================================================
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