This sounds like something I really want to try! Do you know if those
cards are available in the U.S.?
>>> 05/31/02 09:50AM >>>
Yes, the card is a CF version with a CF-->PC card
I'm not to sure what you mean by 'binary protocol
driver in GPSlite' but I know in the 'interface
settings' of GPSlite the speed is set for 4800, no
parity, Data bits =8, Stop Bits=1 and the GPS driver
is NMEA 183. Not to sure what all this means of
As for the map, It's 1.4 meg @1/75000 scale and shows
quite detailed street level of central Tokyo (Mostly
JR Yamenote train line loop)
If you like I can send you my Tokyo Map so you can
start hosting. Once you get a bunch I'll gladly mirror
your site. This is probably the easiest as I'll have
to create a site from scratch and you already have
one. (I'm so lazy.....).
Let me know and I'll email it to you.
P.S. I also have a Pocket PC with GPS software and for
some reason the Newton acquires the satalite quicker
than the pocket pc does (same card)...maybe The newton
supplies more power to the card. I know the GPS card
drains the batteries quick in the pocket pc, where as
the Newt lasts quit a long time.
--- Marco Mailand <> wrote:
> > Great News. I finally got my GPS compact flash
> card
> > working in my Newton using 'GPS Map lite'
> software.
> ...
> > It's basically the cheapest card I could find
> $165USD
> > (bought from T-Zone in Shibuya, Tokyo).
> Does this mean that you use the CF GPS w/ a
> PCMCIA-CF adapter card and the
> binary protocol driver in GPSlite? This would be
> wonderful! Someone (in this
> case TAXAN) followed driver software recommendations
> and produced a
> compatible product. Or do you use it like a modem
> card and thus w/ 4800
> baud.
> > Seems to work quite well. I even made a map (quite
> > large) of central Tokyo so that I could test it
> (It's
> > a lttle more acurate than the world Map supplied
> with
> > 'GPS Map'.
> ;-) How is you Tokyo map? Does it go down to street
> level and what size does
> it have? My Switzerland map is 14.1MB but it is a
> 1:300000 scale version,
> showing main streets in towns.
> > Now...wasn't someone on this list talking about
> making
> > a library of maps that work with 'GPS Map'
> software?
> I've a page with Lee Moons sources
> and would be willing to host the GPSmap things.
> However, it might be
> possible that I have to change the URL soon and
> shift everything to a
> private machine.
> > If anyone else isn't keen...I'll be more than
> willing
> > to take up the challenge and making a simple web
> page
> > to store and download these maps.What do you
> think?
> It is better to have two or even more pages with the
> same or even identic
> content (mirrored). Sometimes parts of the Internet
> are down or overloaded
> and thus redundancy is desirable.
> --
> With best regards / Viele Gruesse
> Marco Mailand
> --
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