Re: [NTLK] Importing RTF file to NewtonWorks

From: Michael Blazer (
Date: Fri Nov 01 2002 - 00:11:45 EST

Thanks Laurent, Jim, Luiz & Martin (if I've missed anyone it's because I'm
on digest mode).

The basic problem is now cured. I ran the NCU installer, and reinstalled
ONLY the "Intellilink" folder within the NCU folder. The fresh installation
did not add any files that weren't there before, but I guess something must
have been corrupted. Anyway, the "open" box now shows all kinds of files
and there's a wide choice of file type in the pop-up menu. And the import
into Newton Works basically, well, works now. But it's choking on large
files (~500K) which the Windows serial connection handled fine. :(

Thanks to all for your suggestions.

Any tips on stabilizing the ethernet connection under Classic (on a TiBook
500)? Various functions like import, backup and install are choking (timing
out?) on large files -- I never had these problems when I used OS8.6 on an
old PPC7200. (which I would still use for Newting if my 7200's hard drive
hadn't croaked.)


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