[NTLK] [OT] Re: Proof Jobs isn't an idiot (was: Proof Jobs is an idiot)

From: Dr. Faustus (dr_faustus_at_pcisys.net)
Date: Sat Nov 09 2002 - 16:21:11 EST

At 13:12 11/9/2002 -0700, Vernon LeMoignan wrote:
> killing the newton aside, What would have happened to Apple had Jobs
>not come back?
>Things were pretty dire back then.
>Apple still makes cool innovative products, but there is little room in
>the industry to be revolutionary.
>On top of it, Apple is ok financially.
>Any company that can go head to head with Microsoft( while thumbing
>their noses at them) for as long
>as Apple has, definitely has my vote!

Don't get me wrong. I think Apple puts out some great products. The
interfaces on Apple products are second to none. But I can look at
anything in Apple's product catalogue and say that nobody else has anything
that will compete. A fancy interface on a FreeBSD OS(OSX) doesn't really
impress me. I really think Apple would sell more product if they brought
their hardware prices in line to the rest of the industry. Hell, I might
even buy one (I haven't paid for computer hardware [outside my newt] for
years). I'll stick to my big iron, Sun, HP, IBM, SGI. While the pretty
interfaces may be great for the masses, I cut my teeth on CPM. I need no
fancy interface to run my systems. The thing that really drove me away
from Apple desktops in '96 was the difficultly in tinkering. I'm someone
who loves to tinker and I'm afraid the Intel side of the business really
has Apple beat in that department. I don't like Linus either. I prefer to
have operating systems that don't change kernels every month. However I'm
an OS/2 bigot, so take everything I say with a grain of salt.


PS - Did you know that IBM hired Apple designers to put the interface on
OS/2 Warp 4? Lovely interface on the best Intel orphaned OS ever to hit
the market.

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