[NTLK] Newton R & D

From: hal9000x (hal9000x_at_mac.com)
Date: Thu Nov 28 2002 - 16:27:24 EST

I got one of the SER-001 units when they were first available and
subsequently found out that they are no longer available. It seems that
everyone would have liked production to continue but I can of course
understand why the maker would like to move on. I picked up on someone
in a previous thread making mention about 'custom ordering or
procuring' the SER-001 via a special order, etc. This got me to
thinking about how we on the list might encourage someone to make
specially, keep producing or develop a particular item for our beloved
Newtons. Would people be interested in contributing to a Newton R & D
fund whereby those who are particularly committed to the platform would
contribute a small R&D contribution into a fund on a yearly basis for
example. If you assume a yearly contribution of $20 from 300 members of
the list that equals $6000 per year. Not an insignificant sum and
certainly something that could be put to good use by keeping favorite
products available or even developing new ones. I can clearly see the
level of technical & other contributions that people like Grant, Woo &
Rich from TON have made to the Newton Community is something that I
personally could never achieve. The R & D fund would be a way for
people like myself who are committed to the Newton platform and would
like to see its usable life extended indefinitely to make an ongoing
contribution to that end. I think it was Woo in a previous post who
said he did things for the 'good of the Newton community' or something
to that effect. I believe that the Newton R & D fund is a way to fund
an ongoing commitment to the Newton platform for the 'good of the
Newton community' in a relatively painless way to insure that it will
be around for a long time to come. If there is any interest in this
suggestion perhaps one of the eminent gentlemen I mentioned previously
would take it upon themselves to seek to bring the Newton Fund for R&D
to fruition. I personally stand ready to help in any way that I can.
Thank You.

William N. Kilarjian

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