Re: [NTLK] chicken and egg and broken stylus problems in Belgium!

From: Anner Tiete (
Date: Tue Oct 01 2002 - 09:29:48 EDT

>On 01-10-2002 15:05, "Laurent Daudelin" <> wrote:
> Hi Anner, and welcome! 19 and you already have your own domain? Not bad at
> all!

Well actually it the domain of our family, not bad indeed, but not even that
expensive; we pay about 12 euro's a year for it, if you count all the
options maybe 20 euros ...

> I'm not sure about which model of iBook you have, but if it has an infrared
> port, you could use the Newton Data Browser (AKA DIL Tester) from Thomas
> Tempelmann to transfer packages to your Newton using your iBook.
Unfortunatly mr iBook doesn't have a infrared port .. I don't know if apple
ever made infrared capable iBooks, correct me here if wrong.
Some early iMac's and powerbooks, but ibooks ?

> BTW, there is a French-based Newton mailing list called Newton-FR. You might
> be able to find someone closer to you on that list that could help. To
> subscribe, send an email to
> <>.
Nice to know, maybe I'll try there, but my french is a lot worse then my
english, but it would be good for an exsersise (bad spelling ahoi! )...
But I know there are some Belgians on the list and was hoping to get an
answer from them...
> For the pen, I've never heard of any place in Europe selling them. There
> might have been a few stores back when the Newton was still supported, but
> now, I don't think you would find any. You could try to use a PDA stylus for
> another platform temporarily. You might have more luck this way. You could
> also to go a place that sells office equipment or specializes in writing
> instruments. There, you might be able to find a good pen with a PDA stylus.
> Cross does make one of those, and Rotring also has a Quattro pen. It will
> definitely not fit the pen holder of your 2100, but for an emergency, that
> might be better than nothing.
I was afraid it would come to that, I am seriously considering a stylus now or a couple of emate styli, does anyone has some
good adresses, with decent shipping rates ??

> -Laurent.
Thanks anyway !!!

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