Re: [NTLK] chicken and egg and broken stylus problems in Belgium!

From: Laurent Daudelin (
Date: Tue Oct 01 2002 - 09:05:08 EDT

on 01/10/02 06:26, Anner Tiete at wrote:
> (the problems and begging for solution starts here)
> But attentive readers allready found out I am missing 2 key parts in my
> setup !
> Yes, I didn't get a charger / AC adaptor and I don't have a
> dongle/interconnect thingie !
> So, for the moment I am stuck with the basic newton , because I brainwiped
> it when I got it, so no NIE on it... I do have an ethernet card here, but no
> drivers...
> And I still haven't got the chance to use my rechargable battery ! :(
> What I ask towards the list is; is there someone in Belgium (near brussels)
> who is willing to beam me some packages/drivers, so I can get my ethernet
> working and "sync" with my iBook over ethernet (btw : me too, I am willing
> to pay/waiting for a OS 10.2 sync option!).
> Another options is; I send you one of my flash-cards and you send I back to
> me full with all the goodies I need ...
> I hope someone reacts to this...
> Another big problem I encountered is ...
> I dropped my stylus one day... Nothing happened, but when I wanted to write
> with it the next day, the tip fell of, which sucked... I thought maybe my
> dad could still glue it back on, so I put the newton, open, on our dinner
> table, the stylus and tip nicely alligned on it, waiting for my dad to come
> home. What happens; my dad comes home, sees my newton on the table ... Ooh
> nice, hey, what is that, a piece of bread, better throw that away, my dirty
> son, eating sandwiches above his new newton...
> So that is the story how I lost my stylus tip...
> Having no other stylus for the moment, I am quite helpless !
> I really need another stylus, that will fit in my newton.
> What are the options for me here in belgium.
> Since I am a student, I am not keen on spending 15$+10$ shipping for a
> pdapanache-stylus...
> A eMate replacement stylus would even do... Where can I order them (I think
> I'll take 10 or so then) without outragous shipping rates ?
> Is there a source for styli in europe?
> Anyone who can miss one ? (a original aluminium or a plastic emate one,
> doesn't matter...) I still have a tipless one to trade :D
> So that is about it , sorry for the big mail, but I have like, some serious
> problems, hehe ..
> Anyway, everyone, thanks for reading, and even more thanks for helping !
> Anner

Hi Anner, and welcome! 19 and you already have your own domain? Not bad at

I'm not sure about which model of iBook you have, but if it has an infrared
port, you could use the Newton Data Browser (AKA DIL Tester) from Thomas
Tempelmann to transfer packages to your Newton using your iBook.

BTW, there is a French-based Newton mailing list called Newton-FR. You might
be able to find someone closer to you on that list that could help. To
subscribe, send an email to

For the pen, I've never heard of any place in Europe selling them. There
might have been a few stores back when the Newton was still supported, but
now, I don't think you would find any. You could try to use a PDA stylus for
another platform temporarily. You might have more luck this way. You could
also to go a place that sells office equipment or specializes in writing
instruments. There, you might be able to find a good pen with a PDA stylus.
Cross does make one of those, and Rotring also has a Quattro pen. It will
definitely not fit the pen holder of your 2100, but for an emergency, that
might be better than nothing.


Laurent Daudelin      AIM/RV: LaurentDaudelin    <>
Logiciels Nemesys Software     

flowchart n.: [techspeak] An archaic form of visual control-flow specification employing arrows and 'speech balloons' of various shapes. Hackers never use flowcharts, consider them extremely silly, and associate them with COBOL programmers, card wallopers, and other lower forms of life. This attitude follows from the observations that flowcharts (at least from a hacker's point of view) are no easier to read than code, are less precise, and tend to fall out of sync with the code (so that they either obfuscate it rather than explaining it, or require extra maintenance effort that doesn't improve the code). See also PDL, sense 1.

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