Thanks to all who have responded so far with suggestions on how to get my
LWIINT going again.
I always knew I needed to "get a grip" but never have so many lined up to
tell me ;-)
At any rate, thanks to Grant for the tip on putting [OT] in the subject
line - I have to admit I haven't read the Newtontalk list etiquette page :-(
Here's a summary of useful tips on getting a Laserwriter gripping again:
1. replace the roller (tricky - you need a service manual, or how-to video
to do this)
2. Brake Fluid - soak the gripper roller and leave overnight (from Mark, and
3. Emery Paper & fan belt gripper - use the Emery paper to take the built-up
glaze off the roller, then soak in fan belt gripper (from Ed)
I can also recommend mentioned in the LW Pro
thread. I've ordered a kit from them, which comes with a "how-to" video.
Anyway, thanks to all and sundry who replied. I should have my printer
nursed back to health in no time!
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