Re: [NTLK] what files are really needed?

From: Victor Rehorst (
Date: Mon Oct 07 2002 - 22:14:45 EDT

d0pp13r wrote:
> ive go the following files in my NIE2 folder:

Here's the rundown:

InternetSetup.pkg - the internet setup package
ISP Template.pkg - ISP Generic Setup Templates (old, you probably don't need them)
NE2K.pkg - Probably the example NE2k driver from Apple. If your card works,
you don't
need it.
Netwave.pkg - ???
Newton Devices.pkg - The Lantern API for addressing PCMCIA cards. You need it.
Newton Internet Enabler.pkg - The main NIE package. you need it.
NIE Ethernet Support.pkg - NIE plugin for Ethernet support.
NIE LocalTalk Support.pkg - NIE plugin for LocalTalk support (think MacIP)
NIE Modem-Serial Support.pkg - NIE plugin for PPP dialup connections.

Victor Rehorst - -
NewtonTalk list administrator -
Will help you with your list problems - as long as you're nice.

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