[NTLK] suggestion for UNNA archive

From: David C. Myers (myers_at_aedifice.net)
Date: Wed Oct 09 2002 - 15:08:43 EDT

[This may be a common suggestion... If so, sorry.]

Would it make sense to unstuff and unzip all the Newton packages on UNNA?
I find I'm usually browsing UNNA directly from the Newton, and all of
these intermediate archiving formats prevent me from doing the simple and
obvious thing: downloading and installing packages directly from the
internet. Ironically, about half of the packages are already
uncompressed, but most of the ones I want are compressed!

Are there space restrictions or something? (I wouldn't think so, since
the UNNA CDs I ordered came in a two-pack -- so it's not like somebody is
trying to restrict it to a single ISO image or something...)


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