Re: [NTLK] Bizarre Dongle !

From: Eric L. Strobel (
Date: Fri Oct 11 2002 - 09:08:27 EDT

on 10/11/02 6:00 AM, Woo Lee at wrote:

>> And what is a ".scr" file (I've never seen one.)?
> ".scr"=3D 'script file' and ".pif"=3D Program Information File' are sent =
> to execute on MS' Outlook and Outlook Express.
> ------------------

But these are files that are Windows-only, right?

>> Are you really saying that there's now
>> a virus that can infect a Mac via e-mail? And if so, what OS?
> As I =
> opened(clicked) the email, it setup a hidden text file, had to use 'Unhide =
> tools' to find the text files.

On a Mac?? How in the world could a e-mail (which is just text itself)
"setup a hidden text file" all on it's own?

> but those 'text files' were hiding on the Mac and sending copies on =
> the second and fourth Friday of the month.

Text files can't execute by themselves, so how could these be lurking about
and sending e-mails out on specific days?

- Eric.


Eric Strobel (fyzycyst_at_NOSPAM^

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