Thanks for your help. I'm sorry to just now be replying but I have been
attending to a family member in the hospital.
It turned out that I just had far too many To Do items for To Do Cleaner to
handle. I manually deleted about 2000 of them and then everything worked.
I was able to solve my repeating To Do item problem. Also, thanks very much
for pointing me to SBM Utilities. Very helpful stuff.
Martin Baird
> From: Robert Benschop <>
> Reply-To:
> Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2002 19:12:37 +0200
> To: NewtonTalk <>
> Subject: Re: [NTLK] Simple Newton 2100 memory question
> on 25-09-2002 5:44, Martin Baird at wrote:
>> Thank you for your help. I tried what you suggested and I still got the not
>> enough memory message. In the Extras drawer To Do Task Storage says that
>> there are 2074 items taking up 467K internally, and 0 items taking up 1K on
>> the card. I also tried what you said with the card removed from the MP2100.
>> Do you have any other ideas? Thanks again for your time & help.
> Since you would have the maximum heap (same as RAM on a desktop) available
> once you restarted with all extensions disabled, heap is pretty much ruled
> out here.
> Since you wrote that you have 1615K free internal memory and your card was
> removed too little storage space can't be the case either.
> So I fear that you have a corrupt entry in your Dates soup that screwing
> things up here, only utility that checks this that comes to mind is SBM
> Utilities from
> Robert Benschop
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