From: Eric L. Strobel (
Date: Tue Oct 22 2002 - 15:03:46 EDT

on 10/22/02 2:42 PM, LA GREEN at wrote:

> OK all you mac guys i have a question. what is the highest os that a mac g3
> can handle? a friend is thinkin of upgradin and wants to know where to
> spend the money.

If it's a beige G3, it *should* be able to run OS X, but your friend may
want to upgrade it with a much bigger HD (but being careful to partition it
to have a first partition of less than 8GB -- there's some weird interaction
between the now-5-year-old IDE controller and OS X), possibly add an ATA66
or ATA100 card, a boatload of RAM, and probably a Firewire/USB card. Also
they might want to pick up a video card more modern than the built-in video.
Having given such a horrible litany of upgrades, OS X, as I said, should run
on the stock model assuming sufficient RAM (128 MB or better). But the
performance may not be all that great. Of course, these add-ons can be
spread out over time... Personally, I think Apple would've rather ditched
support for the beige G3's, but there were a lot of them out there and they
*did* say "compatible w/ any Mac that originally shipped w/ a G3." The
feeling I get is that the support for the beige G3 really only benefits
those that have been gradually upgrading their machine all along. To buy a
beige G3 now, unless it has many of these upgrades already present, probably
doesn't make much sense. For a little bit more you can pick up a blue &
white G3.

A blue & white G3 should have absolutely no problem with OS X. As always,
too much is never enough when it comes to RAM.

NOTE: I'm still firmly in the past with my PowerComputing clone and 7600
(and several Duos). I'm simply giving you what I've gleaned by paying
attention to various Mac sites and discussions.

- Eric.


Eric Strobel (fyzycyst_at_NOSPAM^

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