I don't think a simple "recrystal" will do it. The
pager in question usually resides in the 165.xxx to
the 195.xxx frequency area. Plus, they were normally
1200 baud (international..as in, not USA use) and 2400
baud national use. Todays pagers operate in the UHF or
higher band (400.xxx and 900.xxx) so just swapping out
a crystal won't work. Plus, most modern pagers use
2400 or better baud (this is wholey dependant on the
service provider).
So, unless you want to build your own paging network
with towers and access points, I honestly don't think
it's worth it. It's cheaper to go WiFi...
Or else, get a simple pager... I saw one in a catalog
that was $79 for a lifetime use. The price included
the numeric pager, 800# and no monthly bill...ever...
(btw, remind me to tell you the story about a company
who was adopting the Newton in the mid '90s as the
standard office tool and had a "wifi" type of network
that allowed the Newton to communicate anywhere in the
building and you could locate where an employee was
just by selecting his/her name in the address book or
by tapping the "assist" button and writing "where is
(insert your employee name here)" and it would tell
you the office and room they were in (or at least
their newton is...)
web/gadget guru
--- Jeff Sheldon <jeff_at_jurai.net> wrote:
> On Tue, 22 Oct 2002, Victor Rehorst wrote:
> > No pager companies provide service for these
> devices anymore. They make
> > great paperweights...
> Is there any information on the Motorola design
> these were based off of?
> I'd like to get one at some point, re-crystal it,
> get an in-house paging
> system, and see if I could use one at work for 8-5
> systems monitoring.
> It easier to do with the more recent pagers since
> they all tend to share
> communications methods, but even without alphapage,
> these should work well
> for simple beeping.
> -Jeff
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in the universe are pointed away from Earth?
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