Actually I was mistaken... it was late at night :-)
There's an array of notes on the Newton, however, and only one note
field on the Mac. So there's the big question on what to do there. I
could concatenate all of the notes on the Newton together into the
single AddressBook note, separating them by three linefeeds (that's the
Unix version of hitting return three times). Then when I sync back,
I'll turn each separate block of text back into a separate note. One
other thing to note (no pun intended): I can only transfer plain text
into the Address Book, not font styles or sketches.
How does this sound?
John Anderson
On Thursday, October 24, 2002, at 08:37 AM, Donald Wilson wrote:
> So, in the Names package, I can Add->Notes.
> Those Notes are actually in the Notes soup of the Newton? like the
> Notes packages soup where I type in my notes in class?
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