Re: [NTLK] Newton Press X MacOS 9.1 ??

From: Laurent Daudelin (
Date: Sun Oct 27 2002 - 00:01:37 EDT

on 26/10/02 20:27, Luiz Petroni at wrote:

> Does anyone know a way to make Newton Press run with MacOS 9.1?
> I can import and convert only simple text files and that is all - this works
> pretty well and reliably - 1/2 of the problem solved.
> But I can't import any kind of image file (.pict / .tiff / .eps - 4bit or
> 2bit grayscale) or any other kind of rich text format.
> I would like to create some backdrop images but tried everything with no
> success :( - Newton Press only quits, quits and quits.
> Tried everything that came to mind - restarted with only base extentions on,
> reintalled NPress, checked for the most up to date NPress extentions,
> selected all screen sizes options on NPress, different types and sizes of
> images, etc... Newton Press quits, quits and quits :(
> I'm thinking of using one of my old macs and install MacOS 7.5 or 8.0 - will
> this solve the problem? Any other suggetions?
> Is the windows version more reliable?

I was able to create books under 9.2.2 with the latest version of
NewtonPress, 1.1. Is this what you have?


Laurent Daudelin      AIM/RV: LaurentDaudelin    <>
Logiciels Nemesys Software     

dinosaur n.: 1. Any hardware requiring raised flooring and special power. Used especially of old minis and mainframes, in contrast with newer microprocessor-based machines. In a famous quote from the 1988 Unix EXPO, Bill Joy compared the liquid-cooled mainframe in the massive IBM display with a grazing dinosaur "with a truck outside pumping its bodily fluids through it". IBM was not amused. Compare big iron; see also mainframe. 2. [IBM] A very conservative user; a zipperhead.

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