À (At) 17:03 -0800 29/10/02, Jeremy Bond Shepherd écrivait (wrote) :
>I've heard various vague references to the ability to "export" a simulated
>Appletalk print queue from a Windows or Unix box that will receive a print
>job via Appletalk and then bridge the job to an IP (or serial or parallel I
>suppose) connected printer.
>Does this ring any bells? Has anybody accomplished this? I have
>Windows-networked laser printers at the office, and at home I have an
>inkjet connected to my OSX Mac via USB. I can reach neither from my Newton
>over Ethernet.
I've found some reference on the web. It is mostly based on netatalk
which is a Unix package. Unfortunately, I don't think that netatalk
would work on MacOS X. And MacOS X already has an AppleTalk stack, so
it's not very likely that someone will port it (well, I haven't found
anything at least). The idea is to run a PAP server (plus to register
the printer as NBP so the Newton will see it).
I'd be really interested in knowing if you find a way with your OS X
box that prints over USB.
I want to setup a G3 that prints on a USB Canon S450 as a file and
print server for a X.2.1 eMac and a 8.6 iBook (and optionnally a
Newton). Apparently, putting the server into Linux or NetBSD is a way
to go. MacOS 9.1 would only serve the printer to the iBook while
MacOS X would only serve the printer to the eMac. It's a shame that
Apple didn't think about printing in heterogeneous networks.
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