Re: [NTLK] eBay, etc.

From: Glen Warner (
Date: Thu Oct 31 2002 - 03:32:35 EST

Woo Lee <> wrote:

> ------------------
>>There's a fellow selling one at for $125 ... but I
>>seem to pin him down on whether or not there are any horizontal
>>on the screen when the unit is on.
> Actually I was asking Robert B. if he saw the requests at Apple's DB
for =
> 'new' eMates. Robert B. had a good supply.

Hmmm, good to know ...! My niece is trying very hard to convince me to
give her mine.

> Yeah, those horizontal lines are a bad sign. So far our two
'lightly =
> abused' eMates are going strong.

Mine also ... but then again, I had to have *both* hinges replaced --
though not at the same time. One had the classic 'crimp the video
cable' problem ... and the other just snapped in two.

Good thing I bought those parts units off of eBay ...

> ------------------
> He does, however, say it opens quietly ....
> LOL! I added a sound pkg. that plays the original Star Trek
'transporter' =
> sound when the eMate is started up. :-)

My 2100 plays Darth Vader saying, "What is thy bidding, my master?"
when it wakes, and "Yes, my master" when it sleeps. :o)

I do have another sound file on my Mac I want to use on my Newt from
the old Micromat utility, MacEKG, of the computerized female voice
saying, "Shut down engaged, deactivating system" (you should be able
to find this one on alt.binaries.sounds.macintosh; look for
'SYSKILL'). It's a nice stereo sound, good quality. Tried to use
SoundIcon Maker to turn it into a package (after first merging the two
channels into one and adjusting the frequency as the ReadMe said to),
but the resulting package only says "Shutdown engaged." :o(

Ah, well ....


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