Re: [NTLK] Ferdi Ozguner, eBay, etc.

From: Robert Benschop (
Date: Thu Oct 31 2002 - 07:11:54 EST

on 30-10-2002 6:00, Woo Lee at wrote:

> BTW, any eMates left? There's requests on Apple's Discussion board. :-)

Sorry Woo, you asked this before and I forgot to answer that one, and since
it might be nice to know for others I keep this on-list.

Yes, I still have a couple of brand new/never used eMates left from the ones
I was selling a while back.

Since Apple doesn't honor the warranty on these eMates anymore I can't offer
them with Apple warranty either. I can charge them, ad the system patch and
check if they're still 100% before shipping though.
(I'm not sure that all of the batteries are still 100% due to the long
period of storage, so I'd rather check, don't like to ship stuff that
doesn't work!)

Since I'm much too busy doing other things that are more satisfying
artistically and financially I never got around selling these last ones,
in case anybody in interested I've got only 5 left...

Robert Benschop

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