From: Andy Collins (
Date: Mon Sep 02 2002 - 08:14:34 PDT
Hello Omar,
Welcome aboard :-)
Anyways, I was showing it off to a few friends, one of who had a modem
>card lying around. Popped it in and the Newton recognized it, amazing.
>Unfortunately, it appears the original owner of my Newton deleted the
>internet navigator and e-mail app included with it, so I can't surf the
>net yet. I also don't have the serial cable, so for the time being I'm
>having a chicken and egg problem :(
In order to use TCP/IP on the newton, you need to install the Newton
Internet Enabler (NIE 2). This gives the Newt a TCP/IP "stack" that savvy
programs can use the connect and transfer info.
There are several choices for web browser. Nethopper (IIRC came on the
original CD) and Newtscape by Steve Weyer.
SimpleMail will send/receive email.
The archive at UNNA is a great source for most packages for the newt and
even has a copy of the original CD that came with it.
As for the serial cable... You must...
1) Find the elusive "dongle". This converts the Newton's interconnect port
into an Apple serial port (AppleTalk?) and then get an Apple serial cable.
2) Get a SER-01 adapter which fits inside the Newt and has a Apple serial
3) Get a Newt to Mac or Newt to PC cable. These are _very_rare but have
been seen.
A good place to start when you're starting out is the FAQ. Details in the
footer of this message.
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