Re: [NTLK] Surfing via NetHopper?

From: Ed Kummel (
Date: Wed Sep 04 2002 - 20:28:07 PDT

Nethopper is a pre http1.1 spec application. As such
there are things that Nethopper just cannot handle.
One of these things happens to be HTTP redirects. This
technique allows someone with a single IP to host
multiple domains. What happens is that the server
reads the http header of the page request and then
forwards to that particular virtual directory. A nice
handy way to extend limited server
resources...unfortunatly, Net Hopper can't handle
this, so that means that you will get the base root of
the IP...which happens to be that BSD site...oh well,
too bad...
Other things that Net Hopper can't handle are:
frames (including iFrames)
javascript (and Java)

There are more, but I can't think of anymore right
now, but hey! It's free and if you're on a budget, you
pay nothing...
"waddaya want for nothin? RRRRRRRubber bisquits?"

web/gadget guru
come and see my Newt on the web (well, mostly) at:

--- Robert Lindsley <> wrote:
> For example, a visit to will actually
> result in a visit to łThe
> Center for Recovery From BSD Abuse.˛ A visit to
> will result in a visit to the DialSpace Welcome
> Page.
> At present, I am not able to figure out why the URLs
> are getting messed up.
> Has anybody else had this problem? What can I do to
> fix it?
> Thanks!
> Robert--

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