Re: [NTLK] notes from the dark side...

Date: Fri Sep 06 2002 - 07:53:35 PDT

Might as well, jump in on this. I've used a Clie, one of the older ones,
and if I had to buy a Palm device, it would be a Clie. Sony has been
talking that platform to the extreme in my mind and the new systems are
better than anything else out there. Who knows, maybe the big Palm
rewrite that coming will actually make it a CE competitor. In my
opinion, Palm has been an expensive toy, enough to humor you, but not
enough for real work. If they take it to the next level, it may start to
turn heads again. This time, I want it to turn heads due to
functionality, not price. I won't even consider one of the Palm-driven
phones. Too much money for what it's trying to be.

As far as the CE from goes, I've only dabbled with the current crop, but
the phone models seem to be the way to go, Thera from Verizon is a full
size CE device, 64k color and the works, poor phone integration. The new
whatever from T-Mobile (VoiceStream) has great phone integration, but it
is small for a CE and has poor color support. The next generation of
Pocket PC Phone devices, should be close to ideal. I also saw a
big-screen pen driven CE from View Sonic I think, The screen is about as
big as a 2x00 if not a bit larger. That would be on my short list as
well. (Small-screen CE devices annoy me)

Why oh why didn't apple ever license out. This would be the perfect time
to reintroduce IMHO. Things are catching up to where they left off. A
2100 with a color screen would be competitive as a low-end model...

My $.02,


-----Original Message-----
From: Jesse Garnier []=20
Sent: Friday, September 06, 2002 10:35 AM
Subject: Re: [NTLK] notes from the dark side...

Joel, couldn't agree more. I've acquired (through work) a Clie NR70 and
Toshiba e740 (Pocket PC). Both are really cool in their own right, but
as a
working journalist, neither do of the kind of note-taking and integrated
contact management that I've come to expect from my Newton, even after
serious efforts on my part to "challenge" the Newt with these new

The Newton 2x00 remains the best handheld computer ever.


Joel M. Sciamma wrote not long ago (9/6/02 7:16 AM):

> On Thu, 5 Sep 2002 16:38:11 mr monk wrote:
>> well, this isn't the kind of note we all like to see, but i recently
>> a sony clie n760c. amd i have to admit i love it. i haven't really
>> opened my newton since i got it.
> There is no problem with this, the Clie opens up new functionality or
> convenience for you but can you takes notes with it?
> It's all about using the appropriate tool for the job - there's no
> having an all-singing and dancing SLR camera if what you want is to
> some birthday snaps with a compact you can slip in your pocket.
> Joel.

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