From: MuHammed Lonon (
Date: Tue Sep 10 2002 - 15:16:11 PDT
> I disagree.
I agree with your disagree.
> Perhaps I just don't care cause I'm one of those
> apathetic college
> kids. God Bless Generation X!
Here at RIT Intro to Apathy is a requirement for all
incoming students. We are swimming in it.
> > How about a sentence or two in every message to
> honor those killed in
> > the WTC?
What would you say???
Every since tha whole "Lynch Willie" Clinton
impeachment thing, I have wondered how I would
describe living in such times to some youngster far
off in the future. What would I say? How would I
explain to them that I don't really care??? I also
wondered if it was the same for persons living in
times that we now think of as so extraordinary. Was
it just another day-week-year for them???
MuHammed Jamal Lonon
102 Loden Lane Rochester, NY 14623
(585) 334-0848 (local)
(803) 428-6757 (perm.) (alt.)
Yahoo! - We Remember
9-11: A tribute to the more than 3,000 lives lost
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