From: Dale Steele (
Date: Wed Sep 18 2002 - 06:28:21 PDT
You just gave me a great idea on how to solve a problem with
reception in my area and I recall that I do have one of those booster
packs buried somewhere around here. I have never been able to get my
streaming connection to run for long but this gives me new motivation
when I get some time to experiment with it.
>I post occasional stories how - in using my Newton - I have
>amazed/impressed/silenced those who denigrate it.
>As radio reception is poor in our building, at lunch we now listen to NPR
>streamed onto my MP2100 through a WiFi connection. At first people joked
>about the "Mac radio" 'till I explained exactly what it was doing. Then they
>hid their Palms and Pocket/PC/2002/Net/whatever devices.
>I should add, although almost impossible to find, the original MessagePad's
>"Battery Booster Pack" (Apple part H0018, holds 8 Aas, sise of a pack of
>cigarettes) will give you 8+ hours of CONTINUOUS WiFi use; more (!) with
>lithium AAs.
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