From: Martin Baird (
Date: Wed Sep 25 2002 - 08:44:15 PDT
Thank you for your help. I tried what you suggested and I still got the not
enough memory message. In the Extras drawer To Do Task Storage says that
there are 2074 items taking up 467K internally, and 0 items taking up 1K on
the card. I also tried what you said with the card removed from the MP2100.
Do you have any other ideas? Thanks again for your time & help.
> From: Robert Benschop <>
> Subject: Re: [NTLK] Simple Newton 2100 memory question
> on 25-09-2002 4:18, Martin Baird at wrote:
>> How can I free up enough memory to run the To Do Cleaner utility?
> Apart from freezing things that you don't use often (you can do this with
> Freeze Utilities, also from you could restart while holding
> your pen about 1/2 an inch from the edge of the screen on the screen.
> You'll get a message asking if you want to activate packages on the internal
> store, tap 'no' and repeat the same thing once more in case you have a
> memory card.
> (so you'll have to put your pen on the screen again after you tap 'no' for
> the internal store)
> You'll end up with an Extras drawer with everything crossed out, just
> activate To Do Cleaner and you probably won't have a problem again...
> Robert Benschop
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