From: Dan (
Date: Wed Sep 25 2002 - 14:08:19 PDT
Hello all,
I would like to give a few pointers on NCU and a PC connection. First off
in windows control panel go to system, device manager tab, click on the +
next to the ports to open that. Then right click on your com port you are
using with your newton and select properties. Now click on your port
settings and set it to speed 38400, data bits 8, parity none, stop bits 1,
flow control Xon/Xoff. Now hit the advanced button. Check the "Use FIFO
buffers (uses 16550 compatible UART) and set those two sliders to the lowest
possible settings and then hit ok to close all the boxes you just changed.
You may have to reboot (though I never did).
Now your connection to your PC should be very stable. The FIFO buffers on
the lowest setting appears to be the key. I had many problems connecting my
130. It would get to the system, start backing it up and then give me a
communications error -1. Usually if I used the SLOWDOWN program on max
settings (a freeware program to slow ones PC down), it was enough to get the
backup or restore to work. But not always. However once I set those FIFO
buffers on the lowest setting I don't even need slowdown anymore, works like
a charm!
I hope that this helps someone that is having Newton connection troubles.
It took me a while to finally figure out that the high buffer settings were
the problem. I thought a higher buffer would help smooth the connection
problems......boy was I wrong! It even transfers FASTER now than with the
buffers set on high.
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