Re: [NTLK] Français

From: Matthew Reidsrow (
Date: Mon Apr 14 2003 - 15:23:19 PDT

-----Original Message-----
Il me semble que le 29/3/03 à 10:10 +0000, Bog Rat nous racontait:
>Is there an application that will allow me to alternate between English
>and French dictionaries on the Newton 2000? Any help would be
>appreciated, thank you.

DictMgr lets you disable the built-in dictionaries.
To disable DictFr, simply freeze it.

Bograt, have you used this much? I noticed in the readme before the
downloads that "there are a lot of known bugs and since the last version
(july 1999)". I'd like th ability to switch between dictionaries, but I
don;t want to end up with a flaky Newt...



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