Re: [NTLK] SimpleMail

From: Jens Baumeister (
Date: Fri Apr 18 2003 - 03:53:05 PDT

Am Freitag, 18.04.03 um 04:30 Uhr schrieb Norman Palardy:

> I had both authenticate boxes checked (for POP and SMTP) and only
> needed the one for SMTO
> Duh !!!!
> I should have known this

Not really - it's a classic example of a bad UI, because practically
nobody gets it without outside help. (Had me stumped, too until I
stumbled across it in the manual.) The POP3-authenticate box should be
labled something like "encryption", because that's what it controls:
When checked, SimpleMail tried an encrypted POP3 login, which most mail
providers don't support. Whereas the SMTP-authenticate box really does
control whether it's using SMTP authentication or not.


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