Re: [NTLK] Jaggies - those days are gone?

From: Damien Batstone (
Date: Thu Feb 27 2003 - 06:36:08 PST

At 09:21 27-02-2003 -0500, you wrote:
> > Jaggies are caused by a deformation (twist) of the
> > upper plastic case half. It is especially the right
> > long side of the case, which is sort of weaker due
> > to the lid mechanism. Its long edge is pressing
> > constantly onto the screen and fools the pen digitizer.
> > I removed at both jaggied MP2kx the upper case half
> > and the jaggies disappeared and reappeared after
> > remounting. Then I removed about 0.2mm of the edge
> > with a milling machine and cleaned and remounted
> > everything and the two Newtons are now cured and
> > work fine since that modification. Instead of a
> > milling machine a nice scraping tool or a Dremel
> > hand engraving machine would probably do as well.
> > The bad thing is that one has to take apart EVERYTHING
> > of the Newton - I needed about 4 hours for all of my
> > experiments and the repair.
> >
> > --
> > With best Regards / Viele Gruesse!
> >
> > Marco Mailand
>I field-stripped my Newt two weeks ago and shaved off the underside, right
>edge of the cover as Marco mentions above.
>My jaggies are GONE.
>Does anyone have a Newt with an Exorcist-case of jaggies they'd like to try
>to clean up experimentally? Contact me off-list.


I got minor problems from installing a RS422 port in the (modem?) blank,
which if you make it a tight fit can deform the top half of the case and
back slightly. Tolerances were tight, and this caused pen problems, and
creaks when pressing on the case. After removing some material from around
the RS422 port, everything was good again. Marco installed a RS422
port. Maybe he had the same thing?



Damien Batstone
Environment & Resources DTU
Bygningstorvet, bldg. 115
The Technical University of Denmark
DK - 2800 Lyngby, Denmark
Phone:+45 4525 1557, Fax: +45 4593 2850

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