From: Edward Humes (
Date: Thu Jul 03 2003 - 07:19:31 PDT
The Alphasmart 3000 has been around for years and is best compared to
the old Radio Shack TRS-80s -- both are indestructible and relatively
low-tech, though the AlphaSmart is a considerable upgrade from the old
Trash 80. My daughter used them in her third grade classroom as part of
a writing program. I think they cost the school only $200 apiece, with
a nearly full size keyboard, 8 line screen, built-in word processing
suite, and simple interface to plug into the teacher's pc for
downloading or printing. The kids dropped them, sat on them, batted
them around -- and they kept working fine. Don't think a Palm or Emate
is quite so robust...
On Thursday, July 3, 2003, at 06:56 AM, Jim Witte wrote:
> Haven't looked at the specs, but the "screen" area (dare I call it a
> screen??) looks awfully small to me, and it doesn't look like it folds
> down. Looks basically like a cross between a mailstation and a
> blackberry to me, at least in terms of physical interface.
> Jim
>> It's a freakin' *Palm* , fergossakes!!!
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