Re: [NTLK] developing on Newton

From: Gert Menke (
Date: Mon Jul 07 2003 - 12:05:33 PDT


> > None that I know of. But you can use the Newton Toolkit (NTK) for Windows
> > under Linux with Wine. Basilisk II would be an option, too, I think.
> Heuuu.... why not? But, you need a very good machine with enough RAM (if
> you use wine with 256 Mo Ram, it will a bit limit).
I've got 512MB Ram, so I did not notice any problems.

> As i said before, you should have a look at the zaurus.
I'd love to have a Zaurus, but I cannot afford one right now. Unfortunately,
they have just been discontinued in Europe. :-( Maybe I'll buy one from
dynamism someday.

BTW: Has anyone ever thought about running NewtonOS on a Zaurus or an iPaq?
They use the same processor as the Newton... Would this be possible?


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