From: David B. Alford (
Date: Thu Jul 10 2003 - 21:57:42 PDT
I am looking to obtain a quantity of pcmcia sram cards for the old sony
magic link and
motorola envoy. Does anyone have any of these critters? They are hard
to find used and
inexpensive. The new ones are more then I paid for the link or the
Don't shoot me down, because I'm asking about sram cards for the
magic-cap systems, I
also have two Newton 2100's and a mass of software for them both. The
ATA driver for
the newt has been a god-send. I have several large memory cards just
full of software
for the newton, and I love it. I am really a collector, owning 3 Newts,
4 Sony PC-1000
a PC-2000, a motorola envoy, and 3 DataRovers. I know, don't ask, It is
strange having
all of those handheld systems, and I'm going crazy just keeping up with
what batteries
need charging. But the Magic-Cap software is very unique, as is the
Newton, and I've
collected quite a bit of software for all of it. I am asking on this
newslist, because
the Magic Cap listserver at Brown University has not had much traffic
on it in a long
time, and I am searching high and low in Silicon Valley for used SRAM
cards. Let me
know if you have any you wish to sell.
David B. Alford
founder of WriteWare, maker of SNAP and the stealth stylus!
I've been in pen computing since the first newton came out, and
once wrote for Pen Computing Magazine.
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