Re: [NTLK] Backdrop Buttons in Notepad

From: Paul Guyot (
Date: Fri Jul 11 2003 - 08:51:58 PDT

Il me semble que le 11/07/03 à 10:33 -0500, Jim Witte nous racontait:
> I think that the backdrop buttons register themselves as AuxButtons,
>which automatically show up in Notepad.

Well, I'll bet they just say that they want to be in Notepad.

>I don't know if there's a
>(ready-made) way to disable this, but I'll look into it (of course
>there is - just change a viewSetupFormScript somewhere..)

Well, instead of changing viewSetupFormScript, I'd patch RegAuxButton.

installScript(installPart, removePart)
        // Save old RegAuxButton method.
        DefGlobalFn('|RegAuxButton:Kallisys|, GetGlobalFn('RegAuxButton);

        // Define our patch.
                func(inBtnSym, inTemplate)
                        local theTemplate := inTemplate;
                        // Force backdrop app instead of Notepad.
                        if (theTemplate.destApp = 'paperroll) then
                                // Cloning isn't necessary here
                                theTemplate := {
                                        _proto: theTemplate,
                                        destApp: nil,

                        // Finally register the button
                        |RegAuxButton:Kallisys|(inBtnSym, theTemplate);

        // Restore RegAuxButton method.
        DefGlobalFn('RegAuxButton, GetGlobalFn('|RegAuxButton:Kallisys|));
        // Free up the copy.

Please note that:
- this is purely untested, I'm not even sure it compiles, but you
have the idea.
- you need to put this into a file and create an auto part with it.
- this isn't perfect as it won't deal well with a software that
patches the RegAuxButton after it. However, it deals well with a
software that patches the function before it. In exchange, it uses
some extra memory once it has been deactivated.
- you might want to have the buttons registered in both places with:

                        if (theTemplate.destApp = 'paperroll) then
                                |RegAuxButton:Kallisys|(inBtnSym, {
                                                _proto: theTemplate,
                                                destApp: nil,

instead of:
                        if (theTemplate.destApp = 'paperroll) then
                                // Cloning isn't necessary here
                                theTemplate := {
                                        _proto: theTemplate,
                                        destApp: nil,

but it might lead to problems.
- this could be an interesting start point for a software that would
let one clone buttons and/or move them to an application they're not
supposed to be an auxbutton of.


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