Re: [NTLK] Tibet camera compatibility [Was: ser-001]

From: Eric Schneck (
Date: Sat Jul 12 2003 - 08:30:05 PDT

Works fine on my D-360L.
Maybe you need a null modem in addition to/instead of the gender changer.
My camera came with a mac-to-pc adapter that works great with all kinds of
Newton stuff (cell phone, PocketReader, camera, etc)


p.s. The SMTP settings are only for emailing your photos.
They do not affect the capture function.

on 7/12/03 10:51 AM, at

> ------------------------------
> From: "Anthony Velasco" <>
> Subject: Re: [NTLK] Tibet camera compatibility [Was: ser-001]
> Date: Fri, 11 Jul 2003 17:06:26 -0700
> Thanks for the reminder on Tibet. I recently acquired an Olympus
> D-360L and out of curiosity, checked, and found it in the list of
> compatible cameras. I tried connecting using the camera's PC serial
> connection cable and using the Newton's PC serial cable to dongle to
> interconnect port, with a gender changer between the two cables. This
> was not successful. I've tried changing preferences by unchecking the
> Enroute box, but it asks for SMTP settings...odd, why? I haven't seen a
> Mac cable adaptor for this camera on Ebay - does anyone know what I am
> doing wrong? TIA.

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