From: Michael Burks (
Date: Fri Jul 25 2003 - 21:44:44 PDT
HELP?!?!? Please . . .
At least I think I need help, two easy enough questions for Newton
Programming here.
1. Is it possible for me to change a protoPictureButton from one
picture to another when a user clicks the button? And if it is possible,
could someone give me a quick "How-To"
2. I understand how to hilite a button viewName:hilite(), but when I
try to change the hilite from one button to another (by calling hilite()
twice, once to turn off the originally hilited button, and twice to hilite
the newly pressed button), it won't hilite the newly pressed button. Is this
possible, I shouldn't ask if it is possible, I should ask how can I make it
happen, and if it's worth actually going the route to do it.
I keep programming (in my free time) simple games for the Newton, things I
know that my friends and I would enjoy, and now I'm stuck. I don't code for
a living, I do it for fun, and I love my Newton so much, that anything I can
do to make it more fun for me is worth working on. So far I've written a
lights out style game, a clone of the board game rush hour, a tile moving
game (where you place the numbers in sequential order), I'm working on a
pseudo-RPG Cyberpunk style game, my first newtApp being a calorie-fat-carb
counter (which I'll probably be asking questions about soon), an updated
favorite of mine - Attaxx (if I could get back a fraction of the money I
plopped into that game I'd be rich), and a block moving game (place all the
blocks in the marked squares and move on to the next stage). I would be
willing to work on any ideas that anyone had for simple fun games for the
newt, any ideas out there??
Thanks for the help,
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