From: Johannes Wolf (
Date: Mon Jun 02 2003 - 04:50:34 PDT
If I got it right, the error message is displayed on your Newt?
So I would suggest to check the driver of your Ethernet card first and check
if you can find your Mac on the list displayed if you chose connect to other
computer ...
On the Mac sid eyou need to have the original extensions coming with NCU.
They are quiet old but required to get the conection.
> -----Original Message-----
> []On Behalf Of Chris Fava
> Subject: [NTLK] Problem with Dock
> Okay, today Iım trying again to connect using Dock and Ethernet, and I get
> an error message right away, saying
> ³Dock. A connection error has occurred (-61001).² Once I check the error
> code I might be able to get this little bugger workinı.
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