[NTLK] NTK vs ethernet (Macintosh)

From: Tom McDougal (tmcdougal_at_newted.org)
Date: Tue Jun 10 2003 - 08:46:04 PDT

With the TCP/Serial extension I can get NTK to run under OS X
(Classic mode), but I cannot for the life of me get NTK and my MP to
communicate over ethernet, whether under System 9 or OS X. I *can*
get NCU to work over ethernet, so the hardware is all ok. I have
installed TCP Serial on the Mac, and followed all instructions. The
FAQ is most explicit about using PortShareDemo. I found lots of
discussion on this topic in the archives. From the sound of it, most
people installed TCPSerial and everything worked immediately.

If the LED on my ethernet card is any indication, the problem seems
to be more on the MP end of things. The first time I try to connect
(e.g., using the "other computer" option), the LED lights on, then
off, then on -- in the usual pattern when first connecting -- but
then turns off and stays off. When I try to connect a second time,
the LED never lights at all.

The Toolkit app is set to use Appletalk (ethertalk).

Any suggestions?


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