[NTLK] Repair services?

From: klich (klich_at_peoplepc.com)
Date: Tue Jun 10 2003 - 20:42:18 PDT

i have a U2000 that, while performing the upgrade on, i accidentally
messed up the ribbon cable that connects the screen to the motherboard.
basically, i somehow wore off part of the insulation.
would anyone be willing to replace the cable for me at my cost? i'll
pay for shipping, service, whatever needs to be done. frankly, i miss
my Newton.
i realized this morning that it'd be very useful for my job.. i sell
motorcycle parts over the counter, and keeping a list of commonly-sold
parts (oil filters, batteries, so on) would be extremely useful.
yes, enough rambling, i need this done as soon as possible. would
anyone be willing to help me out?
(FYI, i live in Missouri. 63049.)

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