From: Sebastian Adorján Dyhr (sadyhr_at_stofanet.dk)
Date: Thu Jun 26 2003 - 04:07:28 PDT

Hi everybody

I've got a modemcard, (Thank you Mathhew) Macclass 144Data/Fax modem with EZ-port.

Will my NMP 2k just recognize it and use it for fax/internet, or do I need special .pkg'es and stuff?

2) I need to use my NMP 2k as a alarm clock tomorrow, how can I make the NM;P wake up and
an alarm sound more then the normal build in quit beep? I have to be wakeen up ,-)


Sebastian A. Dyhr     --    45 86 25 10 50
Jettesvej 3, 2. th    -- DK-8220  Brabrand
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