[NTLK] Scully invite?

From: Doug Parker (dougparker_at_progressdata.com)
Date: Fri Mar 14 2003 - 08:56:25 PST

I was riding my motorcycle the other day--I get the most novel inspirations
that way--and the thought came to mind to invite John Scully, the former
Apple CEO who brought the Newton to market, to give us some pointers or even
help in requesting the release of some of the proprietary Newton information
that Apple holds. Has a spokesperson from the group ever tried contacting
John? I checked the archive and found no references. Maybe it sounds like a
whacked idea, but what is there to lose! Okay, stop chuckling for a second
and try some positive brainstorming.

The Five Degrees of Networking Theory holds that everyone knows everyone in
the world through our extended connections with friends and family if you go
five levels deep. We have the ability to contact Scully if we were to
network correctly.

Imagine a brief campaign lasting three to six months wherein we repeatedly
announce at regular intervals through NTLK, Wired, SlashDot, our personal
connections and other sources our desire to contact John and invite him to
join the fold--a Newtontalk Press Release. What a boon it would be to the
community if he were to accept!

Don't tell me to be realistic, because frankly, what is realistic? If you
tell me to be realistic, I'll tell you instead to remain positive!
Besides--we're all Newton users. We ink differently.

I know there may be naysayers. Some will envision this to be harder than it
has to be, even when none of us knows how hard it will be. I'll bet some of
you even chuckled at first. But maybe it's just as simple as asking.

Would Scully cooperate? I don't know. Would we succeed in securing our
prize? I don't know. I'd suggest keeping our outlook Green and the vision
positive until the facts, not supposition nor suspicion, force the
conclusions to be otherwise.

In the simplest view, there are two outcomes: yes he helps us, or no he
doesn't--for whatever reason. The task is not the outcome, but in choosing
to determine it.

I'm passionate about the Newton. I'm endlessly encouraged by the people on
this list. I eagerly hope and patiently wait for Newton's own Phoenix,
whether that be Apple branded or emulated.


Doug Parker

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