From: Laird S. Maresch (
Date: Fri Mar 14 2003 - 09:29:25 PST
I agree, that is not a bad idea. Honestly if we were realistic then we would
not be using Newtons in the first place. The concept of not going with the
rest is what also makes us so important. This small group of dedicated
Newton users is in a way a company that takes care of Newtons. How should we
go about starting this?
----- Original Message -----
From: "Doug Parker" <>
To: "NTLK" <>
Sent: Friday, March 14, 2003 8:56 AM
Subject: [NTLK] Scully invite?
I'm passionate about the Newton. I'm endlessly encouraged by the people on
this list. I eagerly hope and patiently wait for Newton's own Phoenix,
whether that be Apple branded or emulated.
Doug Parker
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