From: Ed Kummel (
Date: Sun Mar 23 2003 - 20:42:06 PST
We (WashNUG) had an oportunity to meet Anthony at our
latest meeting. (speaking of which, when's the next
one happening?) His wife was there with their daughter
and I must say, what a patient wife he has to put up
with all of us;-) Especially when he was one of the
last ones to leave and it was closer to midnight than
anyone cared to guess! (And him not being a local and
all!) It's nice to meet NUG members from distant
places. I would use the "one big happy family" cliche
here, but nah, too campy...But really, I concur,
Anthony is a decent guy...Next WashNUG, Woo (ooW)
promised he'ld be there....
web/gadget guru
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--- "T." <> wrote:
> Hi all!
> I wanted to take an opportunity to publicly thank
> Anthony Velasco--a member
> here on this list. He has been a great friend and
> help in the repair of my
> emate! I can't thank him enough for embodying the
> spirit of what it means to
> be a Newton user! This guy is awesome. I hope if you
> have an opportunity to
> meet him, that you do! Anthony and I hope to make it
> to a LANUG meeting some
> time!
> I wonder if there is enough support locally to start
> a NUG locally?
> Timothy in Phoenix.
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