From: L A GREEN (
Date: Mon Mar 24 2003 - 13:06:43 PST
I WAS under the distinct impression that is what happens when u sign up to the list. you get an automated email with info in it. i think i still have mine, i do and it is filled with information about where to go and where to look. plus a lil common sense goes a long way. goggle works, i used it before i found the list, actually i found the list while doing a newton search, and i continue to do newton searches when needed. not to point the fingers at any newbie in particular, but alot of the newbies ask first search never. before i joined this list i had done a few google newton searches and saved all the pages i found that i felt would be worth keeping. i then sorted them into hw, sw, and general interest folders so i could find things quicker if needed. just mho but google first, then list for questions.
Martin Joseph <> wrote:I was just thinking (scary).
I was wondering if it would be possible/desirable/easy to treat new
list members a bit differently.
I was thinking, perhaps when new people sign up, there first post (or
two) could generate an automatic welcome message, which would include
links to the FAQ and the archives, and then send there messages to the
list dad (sorry Victor) for review/disposition.
I realize this would generate more work for you Victor, but it might
also reduce the steady flow of identical questions coming from newfound
Newton owners.
If people hate this idea, that's fine too.
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